Institute of Humanistic Science


1140-23 Savannah Road

Lewes, DE 19958





14 April 2010


DHHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

200 Independence Ave

Washington, DC 20201


Dear Secretary Sebelius,


I am in receipt of a letter from Vivian A. Stallion, Program Manager, Office of Documents and Regulations Management, dated 4 April 2010, that informs me that the substantive issues raised in my prior letters to your office are not appropriate for DHHS review and has been forwarded to the Department of Justice for their review and action. The forwarding letter was not cited and it s not clear what issues were not appropriate for your review and action, which were more germane to the Department of Justice, enclosed.


I am in receipt of two letters from Dana E. Paige, Director, Office of Executive Secretariat, Department of Justice, dated 11 September 2009 and 17 November 2009, that the issues I raised in my letters to Attorney General Eric Holder, Jr were best handled by the DHHS, enclosed.


There are seven issues raised in my letters to you and Attorney General Holder which are:


1.     Infant Mortality and Homicide

2.     Infant Mortality, Breastfeeding and the Prevention of Violence

3.     Genital Mutilation of Children Is Torture

4.     NICHD False Statements to Congress & Rejection of Child Abuse/Neglect Research

5.     NICHD Documentation of Supported Child Abuse & Neglect Research

6.     NIH History of Violence Research

7.     NICHD/NIH Wrongful Termination of James W. Prescott, Ph.D. & Petition For Corrective

Action including holding accountable public health officials for the deception and fraud perpetrated on the Congress. 


Enclosed are documentations organized in the above categories for your review and action.

The letters received from the Department of Justice and the Department of Health and Human Services disavows responsibility for the subject matters cited above.


This investigator found that:


90% (9/10) States With Less Than 15% of Children Breastfeeding At 12 Months Have Highest Infant Mortality Rates


83% (10/12) States With Greater Than 25% of Children Breastfeeding At 12 Months Have Lowest Infant Mortality Rates


An essay titled: STOP THE GLOBAL KILLING OF INFANTS AND CHILDREN: A CENTER FOR GLOBAL NONKILLING (CGNK) PROPOSAL reviews much of the data cited above and is posted at:


Another body of data describes the conditions that generate peaceful or violent cultures that are based upon the research findings of The Harlows, Mason and Berkson, Riesen and many other behavioral primatologists which document that mother-infant/child separations result in depression, anger/rage and pathological violence, as juveniles and adults. The violence of the adult rhesus primates deprived of mother love can be seen in the enclosed photo collage and DVD with the elimination of that violence by paleocerebellar but not neocerebellar decortication.


These established relationships in infrahuman primates were confirmed by my 49 tribal culture study where 80% of the peaceful or violent nature of the cultures could be accurately predicted

from the measure of maternal-infant/child bonding by the infant being carried on the body of the mother throughout the day for the first year of life. The dependent variable was “torture, mutilation and killing of enemy captured in warfare”, the most violent measure in Textor (1967) and the Ethnographic Atlas. The “exceptions” could be accounted for by whether youth sexuality was permitted or punished. 100% predictability was obtained from two measures of human affectional bonding during the formative periods of development.


These cross-cultural studies were extended to evaluating the role of breastfeeding bonding and I discovered that 77% (20/26) of cultures whose weaning age was 2.5 years or longer were absent or low in suicide.  The exceptions could be accounted for whether pain was inflicted upon the infant by cultural rituals. Again, the 77% prediction of suicide was raised to 82% by whether youth sexuality was permitted or punished. See attachment.


This weaning age study was expanded to incorporate the 186 additional cultures on weaning age by Barry and Paxon (1971). By combining the Textor and Barry and Paxon samples, a total of 65 cultures were obtained that had information on weaning age and suicide. These data are summarized in Table 3 which found that 86% (31/36) of cultures that had low or absent suicide rates had a weaning age of 30 months or greater. 66% (19/29) of cultures with high suicide rates had weaning age of 24 months or less.


These data support the conclusion that weaning age of 2.5 years or greater is a necessary but insufficient condition to prevent suicide, a major mental health problem of modern cultures. It should be noted that about 10% of tribal cultures breastfeed for 12 months or less compared to 93.2% of American mothers who breastfed for 12 months or less (NHANES 111 data)- National Health and Nutrition Survey Examination 1988-1994. See attachment.


It is predicted that there is a greater brain interconnectivity in young adults who have been breastfed for 2.5 years or greater than those who:  1) have never been breastfed and otherwise not abused/neglected; and 2) those who have never been breastfed and with a history of abuse and neglect.


Violence against women and children is the preeminent heath problem of this nation and is the foundation for all other forms of human violence. Eliminate violence against women and children and you eliminate human violence and its great costs to human societies. This is a subject matter that is germane to the Department of Justice and the Department of Health and Human Services.


My research and others have documented the high prevalence of homicidal factors in infant mortality where breastfeeding bonding prevents infant mortality and violence. Breastfeeding Mothers are rarely violent to their infants and breastfeeding cultures of 2.5 years or greater are low or absent in homicide and suicide. Try and find a single rapist, murderer or drug addict in any prison facility who has been breastfed for 2.5 years or greater. It is unknown how many infants who die during their first year of life are being actively breastfed at the time of their death. The weaning age of every child should be a part of the immunological record.


Bartick (2010) has documented “The Burden of Suboptimal Breastfeeding in the United States: A Pediatric Cost Analysis” (Pediatrics, V125(5):e10481056) but her cost analysis did not include the costs to society of child abuse and neglect which carries a life-long burden; and the duration of breastfeeding for optimal brain-behavioral development is well understated. She concludes: Action to improve breastfeeding rates, duration, and exclusivity, including creation of a national infrastructure to support breastfeeding, could be cost-effective”—and life-saving for the individual and culture from the depression and violence that overwhelms our culture.


The April 1994 NIH Report of the Panel Findings and Recommendations, stated:


1.      “NIH Research on Antisocial, Aggressive, and Violence-Related Behaviors and Their Consequences”, stated: “With the exception of the National Institute on Mental Health (NMH), violence research has not been a major priority at NIH (25)” (p.75);


2.      Appendix F: “devoting as much money to peace studies as to studies of violence (46)”. This is the only reference to Dr. Prescott’s extensive testimony. No mention of the history of NICHD research on child abuse and neglect nor the developmental origins of violence (p.121) was found;


3.      Summary September 22-24, 1993 meeting: 2nd paragraph: “To date, investment across all Institutes and ICDs in violence-related research has been minuscule relative to the total NIH budget (i.e. 0.5%) (p.138). (See attachment)


In addition to the review of the above documents and given the paucity of research on the origins of Human Violence and Peace, I am recommending that a Joint Task Force of the Department of Health and Human Services and Department of Justice be established to implement the reforms necessary to transform our Culture of Violence to a Culture of Peace.





I am requesting that you copy this letter with attachments to Attorney General Eric Holder, Jr, Department of Justice; Dr. Francis S. Collins, Director, National Institutes of Heath; Dr. Thomas R. Frieden, Director Center For Disease Control; Dr. Thomas R. Insel, Director, National Institute of Mental Health and other interested parties.


The overwhelming mental and behavioral disorders due to human violence, which threatens our very existence, calls for a National Marshall Plan to end human violence, as we have known it.








James W. Prescott, Ph.D.




Cc        Judith S. Palfrey, MD, FAAP


            American Academy of Pediatric

            PO Box 927,

Elk Grove Village, IL 60009-0927.


Glenn D. Paige, Ph.D.


            Center For Global Nonkilling (CGNK)

P.O. Box 12232 

Honolulu, Hawai'i 96828


            Katherine Li

Research, Global Team Leader

Center for Global Nonkilling (CGNK)

P.O. Box 12232 

Honolulu, Hawai'i 96828




















1.  NICHD: Perspectives ON Human Deprivation (1968)


2. NIH Record: NICHD Supported Child Abuse & Neglect Research (1970)


3. Graphic History of NICHD Support of Child Abuse & Neglect Research (1968-1981)


4  Sexual Dimorphism In The Developing Human Brain (1992)


5. Neural Pathways and Structure in SSAD Theory- 1970 ff


6  Platelet Serotonin In Disturbed Monkeys and Children, 1971


7  Effect of Cerebellar Lesions on Emotional Behavior, 1974


8.  Infant Physical Affection & Adult Violence, 1975


9. NIH Research Conference on Violence, April 1994


10 NIH Research Conference on Violence, October 2004


11. Photo Collage of Violent Mother Deprived Monkeys (1977)


12.WHO/UNICEF Innocenti Declaration 1990


13. Weaning Age, Suicide, Infant Pain & Youth Sexuality, --26 Cultures, (1996, 2001, 2005)


14. Weaning Age and Suicide—65 Cultures (2001, 2005)


Profiles of Affectionate (Peaceful) v Non-Affectionate (Violent) Tribal Cultures. (1989)


15 Two Cultural Brains, (2002; 2005)


16  Dismissal of Dr. Prescott from 17 Years of Government Service (11 April 1980)


17  DVD: The Origins of Love & Violence: Sensory Deprivation and The Developing Brain. (2008)